Molecular-phylogenetic study of the Cystopteridaceae family in South Siberia

УДК 582.394


  • I. I. Gureyeva Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
  • D. O. Ulko Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
  • A. A. Kuznetsov Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
  • R. S. Romanets Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia



Cystopteridaceae, Cystopteris, Gymnocarpium, chloroplast DNA, matK, systematics, phylogeny


The results of molecular-phylogenetic study based on sequencing of the maturase K (matK) locus of chloroplastDNA of the Cystopteridaceae family occurred in South Siberia are given. These results confirmed the view of the taxonomiccomplexity of Cystopteris and Gymnocarpium, especially of the subgenus Cystopteris and Gymnocarpium species withglandular pubescent fronds. Within the genus Gymnocarpium, the species with glandular pubescent fronds separated fromthe species with glabrous fronds. Gymnocarpium robertianum from the Altai and G. fedtschenkoanum from Pamir areseparated as the sister to other species with glandular fronds. It is failed to separate species with glandular pubescent frondsfrom each other. The Cystopteris species described from Siberia – C. altajensis and C. gureeva – failed to separate with С.fragilis and С. dickieana. This may be evidence of their modern speciation by hybridization in combination with polyploidyand the formation of a large number of allopolyploid taxa that cannot be separated by the matK locus of the chloroplast DNA.Nevertheless, this analysis once again confirmed the isolation of Cystopteris montana from other Cystopteris species, and C.sudetica from other members of subgenus Cystopteris. This allows to recognize both the monotypic genus Rhizomatopteris(including Rh. montana) and the section Khokhrjakovia (including Cystopteris sudetica) within the genus Cystopteris.


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Molecular methods in the study of plants and chemosystematics

How to Cite

Molecular-phylogenetic study of the Cystopteridaceae family in South Siberia : УДК 582.394. (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 16-21.