Phylogenetic biogeography of Velloziaceae and related taxa based on the molecular genetic analysis
УДК 581.9
Biogeography, history of dispersion, molecular analysis, Pandanales, phylogenyAbstract
Molecular genetic study of three families of Pandanales (Velloziaceae, Triuridaceae, and Stemonaceae)was carried out based on four genes (atpA, atpB – for spacer atpB–rbcL, tRNA–Leu (trnL) – for spacer trnL–F, and 18SrRNA). The obtained molecular genetic cladogram became the basis for transferring on the maps the correlation of thephylogenetic relationships of the Pandanales genera and their geographical distribution. The regions of hypotheticalorigin of families and probable ways of their distribution and settlement were revealed. The study shows that most likelythe order Pandanales is of Laurasian origin. From there Velloziaceae and Triuridaceae penetrated into America most likelyby long-distance transport. Velloziaceae became vicariously distributed in South America, and then reached Atlanticcoasts of Africa due to long-distance transport, and continued their vicarious moving to the east, south and north of Africa.Triuridaceae spread to South America (the genus Triuris was branched there), and then returned back to Old World – toAfrica, from where it penetrated into southern and southeast Asia, northern Australia and Oceania. Stemonaceae, afterdifferentiating from other Pandanales (presumably in the region of eastern Tibet) settled vicariously in several directions:eastward to the coast of the mainland, and then to the Japanese islands, in the south-west to the south of Indostan andfurther down to Sri Lanka, in the south direction – to the peninsula of Malacca and further down to Sumatra, and in thesoutheastern direction – to Philippines, Borneo, and further down to New Guinea, and northwestern Australia.
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