Usage of cluster analysis of chemically compounds of plants for taxonomy

УДК 582.4:519.254


  • D. S. Kruglov Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russia



Chemotaxonomy, cluster analysis, trace element composition, essential oil, Pulmonaria, Vaccinium, Filipendula


The cluster analysis of trace element structure of plants of Pulmonaria, Vaccinium and Oxycoccum genusesand essential oil composition taken from species of Filipendula genus was done in presented work. Hierarchical trees ofdistribution of the investigated plants into clusters were constructed by using of their trace element spectra and componentcomposition of essential oils. As a result, it was established that both trace element structure of plants and componentcomposition of essential oil are species-specific elements and they can be used in a chemotaxonomy. Distribution ofplants on clusters correlates with the taxonomy position of investigated species, which was assayed by using of thecommon morphological features. Thus, application of the cluster analysis allows to make “Fingerprinting” technologyand to use trace element spectra of plant as well as component spectra of produced essential oil as spectra-markers fortaxonomy tasks.


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Molecular methods in the study of plants and chemosystematics

How to Cite

Usage of cluster analysis of chemically compounds of plants for taxonomy: УДК 582.4:519.254 . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 42-46.