Polymorphic sites in ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 region of nuclear 35S rRNA genes in interspecies hybrids of Pulsatilla (Ranunculaceae)
УДК 582.675.1
Interspecific hybridization, Pulsatilla, intragenomic polymorphismAbstract
The distribution patterns of polymorphic sites (PS) in ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 region of nuclear 35S rRNAgenes of three species of the genus Pulsatilla (P. patens, P. vernalis, P. pratensis) and their hybrids (P. × intermedia,P. × spuria, P. × wolfgangiana) in multiple samples from different locations were studied. The number and position of PSvaried within each species and nothospecies as well as between them. Some PS can be considered as persistent evidenceof past hybridization, whereas others as the result of genomic non-stability in a hybrid. Most of hybrid samples took intermediate place among clusters corresponding to species in NeighbourNet graph. The position of P. × intermedia sampleswithin P. patens cluster can be evidence of their introgressive nature.
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