Comparative analysis of populations Corydalis bracteata (Steph. ex Willd.) Pers. s. l., growing in the mountains of Southern Siberia
УДК 581.4.46
Cluster analysis, Corydalis bracteata s.l., ISSR-PCR, Krasnoyarsk region, morphological and genetic population analysisAbstract
Comparative morphology-genetic analysis of Corydalis bracteata (Steph. Ex Willd.) Pers. s. l. populationsfrom Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe, Kuznetskiy Alatau, East and West Sayan Mountains have been made. It was revealed thatthere is a morphological and genetic diversity between populations. Presence and shape of additional tuber together withshape and dissection of flower bract are the diagnostic features for differentiation of populations.
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Положий А. В., Лошкарева Л. Н., Гудошников С. В., Копанева Г. А. Семейство Fumariaceae DC. Дымянковые // Флора Красноярского края: Papaveraceae – Rosaceae. – Томск: Издательство Томского университета,1964. – Вып. 5. – С. 7–8.
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Zietkiewicz E., Rafalski A., Labuda D. Genome fingerprinting by simple sequence repeat (SSR)- anchored polymerase chain reaction amplification // Genomics. – Canada, 1994. – № 20 (2). – С. 176–183.
Molecular methods in the study of plants and chemosystematics
How to Cite
Comparative analysis of populations Corydalis bracteata (Steph. ex Willd.) Pers. s. l., growing in the mountains of Southern Siberia: УДК 581.4.46 . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 68-71.