Structure peculiarities of the main leaf vein of some species from the genus Salix L. (Salicaceae Mirb)

УДК 582.623.2


  • V. N. Drozhzhina Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia



Conducting bundle, main vein, mesophyll, parenchymal lining, sclerenchymal lining


Studies show individual characteristics in the structure of the leaf’s main vein for each representativeof the genus Salix L. These indicators can be used for identification species of willows. The most informative featuresare: the position of the main vein with respect to the leaf mesophyll; the shape of the main vein on the cross section; theposition of the conducting bundle of the vein with respect to the conditional line, dividing the sheet into the upper andlower parts; the shape of the conducting beam, especially the location of the columnar mesophyll in the main vein. Lessimportant characteristics: the presence of crystals of calcium oxalate; the characteristics and position of the trichomes;the volume of the parenchyma in the Central part of the conductive beam; the degree of development of the wheat plant'sand sclerenchyma lining.


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Systematics of different taxa. Morphology and biology of different species

How to Cite

Structure peculiarities of the main leaf vein of some species from the genus Salix L. (Salicaceae Mirb): УДК 582.623.2 . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 110-113.