Assessment of intraspecific variation of anatomical and morphological parameters of needles of Juniperus сommunis L.
УДК 581.15:575.8
Intraspecific taxonomy, Juniper common, morphology, anatomy, variabilityAbstract
We conducted a study of anatomical and morphological variability of needle’s parameters in 25 naturalpopulations of Juniperus communis L., growing in Europe, Asia and North America. The study showed that the Caucasianpopulations differ from the others by all features and probably the Caucasian juniper is a separate species or variety.Sochi population by a number of parameters is close to Alpine plants belonging to J. communis var. saxatilis. Far Easternpopulations are characterized by a number of common features in the structure of needles (long, but short needles withone stomatal band and large resin passages), allowing to consider them a typical form of J. communis var. saxatilis. TheNorth American population does not differ from the far Eastern populations in all studied features and is most likely anAmerican form of J. communis var. saxatilis. Siberian and European populations make up a single group, where eachpopulation shows features as J. communis var. saxatilis and J. communis var. communis. The exceptions are the Tallinnand Tomsk populations, characterized by long and narrow needles and tree life form, and probably is a typical form ofjuniper – J. communis var. communis. The most valuable features for the purposes separation of taxa are the length andwidth of needles, the number of bands and Ka, anatomical features were less valuable.
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