To the question of creating a polytomic computer key to determine plants family of the Ranunculaceae Juss.
УДК 58.087
Definition matrixes, polytomical key, republic of Buryatia, family Ranunculaceae Juss, electronic determinantAbstract
Nowadays, there are many problems that researchers face when studying plants, such as: systematization,division into taxonomic units (family, genus, species, etc.) and identification of both herbaric samples and freshmaterial. This paper discusses the creation of polytomic keys and their use in identification on the example of the familyRanunculaceae Juss. as well as writing identification programs based on them.
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Systematics of different taxa. Morphology and biology of different species
How to Cite
To the question of creating a polytomic computer key to determine plants family of the Ranunculaceae Juss.: УДК 58.087. (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 150-153.