Features of the morphology and distribution of Absidia spinosa in the forests of the Trans-Ili Alatau (Kazakhstan)
УДК 582.281.212
Absidia spinosa, frequency of occurrence, isolate, location, rhizosphere, Trans-Ili AlatauAbstract
In the forests of Trans-Ili Alatau, Absidia spinosa was isolated from the rhizosphere of apple, apricot,hawthorn, pine, poplar, mountain ash, spruce and willow. In mixed and small-leaved forests at an altitude of 1400–2000m above sea level, this species is typical in the apricot rhizosphere, whereas in the rhizosphere of the spruce tree Absidiaspinosa, as a typical species, is characteristic of mixed and small-leaved forests with an absolute height of 1700–2000 ma.s.l. and coniferous forests at an altitude of 1600–1900 m a.s.l. At altitudes of 2000–2500 m, the fungus is quite rare inthe rhizosphere of spruce and willow.
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