Science and innovations in the research of a biodiversity of the plant world of the Baikal Siberia

УДК 582+581.9


  • B. B. Namzalov Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia



Buryatia, vegetation, rare species, flora, ecological monitoring, endemism and relictism


The plant sphere of the Baikal Siberia (BS) was created on a junction of several biogeographical provincesof Northern and Central Asia and is characterized by richness of a biodiversity. Flora of Buryatia as a part of BS includes2206 species of vascular plants (610 genus and 136 families). From them 158 species that makes 7.2 % are includedinto the Red List of RB. In mountain valleys of Baikal region and Transbaikalia the centers of the latest endemism arerevealed. Besides endemics relicts are characterized, from them 27 species belong to the most ancient Pliocene. As part ofinnovative research programs, a monitoring system of conditions of the forests on the Baikal coast and unique populationsof rare plants is created.The APIK (atmospheric and soil measuring complex) center for monitoring of a condition of theenvironment is the cornerstone of it that allows to make "passport" of a biodiversity of ecosystems. Practical developmentsallowed to expand the range of the useful plants (food, medicinal, fodder, etc.) from natural flora and to reveal a share ofsocial and dangerous and harmful (narcotic, weed, poisonous) plants in vegetation of BS, Buryatia.


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Study of vegetation of Russia. Flora of Altai, South Siberia, Mongolia and adjacent territories. Geobotany and resource science

How to Cite

Science and innovations in the research of a biodiversity of the plant world of the Baikal Siberia: УДК 582+581.9 . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 329-332.