Invasive plant species in Promyshlennovsky District, Kemerovo Region
УДК 581.527.7
Adventure plants, alien species, Black Book, invasive species, Kemerovo RegionAbstract
The species composition of plants included in the Black Book of Siberian Flora (2016) inhabitingPromyshlennovsky District of the Kemerovo Region is analyzed. 18 species of invasive plants from 10 families wereidentified, among which annual grasses predominate. Alien species of the Promyshlennovsky District are settled andnaturalized in disturbed habitats: in landfills, garbage heaps, vacant lots, along roadsides, near dwellings. Some of thempenetrate to the natural communities. Most of the species are brought from North America or the Mediterranean, and bythe time of drift are neophytes, by the method of drift – xenophytes, by the degree of naturalization – colonophytes andepecophytes.
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