Formation of floristic forest complexes of the South of Siberia
УДК 581.9(571.12)
Forests of Siberia, forest complexes, endemics, genesisAbstract
Forests of Siberia are diverse in phytocenotic and genesis features. The dominants with a set of truespecies characterize each type of the wood. Such combinations have been developing during the long time into the forestcomplexes. In the south of Siberia from the Trans-Ural region to Baikal it is possible to allocate complexes of steppe pineforests, the West Siberian birch forest and linden forest, the South Siberian relic linden forest, cedar-fir and larch-pineforests. Presence of endemics (is rarer than relicts) and groups of true species emphasizes originality of each complex.The ecological specificity of complexes causes selection of species, both autochthonic, and migrants when complex isdeveloping.
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