Floristic features of ephemeroids of the Lower Amur basin
УДК 581.93(571.62)
Ephemeroids, distribution, ecological-biological and phytocoenological features, Lower Amur basin taxonsAbstract
The results of floristic analysis of ephemeroids of the Lower Amur basin are presented in the article. Theyinclude about 90 species of flowering plants belonging to 47 genera and 28 families. Among them dicotyledons almostdouble monocotyledons. In the family spectrum, the leading positions are occupied by Ranunculaceae, Violaceae, Liliaceae s.l., and in the genus spectrum – by Viola, Ranunculus and Corydalis. More than half of the genera are monospecies.According to seasonal development, most species are hemiephemeroids (74 species, 82,2 %). The most number of species grow in the mixed coniferous-broad-leaved and broad-leaved forests of the Manchurian type. By the area of distribution, they belong mainly to the Far Eastern geo-element (Amur-Japanese, Amur-Korean and Amur areas). The conclusionabout the boreal-nemoral East Asian character of the studied flora is resulted.
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