Accumulation and distribution of arsenic in wild plants of the Dahuri steppe under conditions of technogenesis
УДК 504.054:58.051
Arsenic, Khapcheranginsky Mining and Processing Plant, Transbaikalia, technozemsAbstract
The study presents data on the level contamination arsenic of soil, technozem and plants. It is revealedthat the technogenic landscapes of the village of Hapcheranga have a critical level of pollution with a toxicant. In theresidential area, located near (50-150 m) from industrially stored waste rock, the degree of soil contamination also hashigh rates. These factors are extremely dangerous for the population, as farmed crop products and plants growing ondumps transfer arsenic to the food chains. It was revealed that at the beginning of the growing season, the level ofarsenic contamination of plants as a whole has low indices, and the degree of absorption according to the accumulationcoefficient makes it possible to assign the trace element to a group of very weak accumulation and capture. The cumulativeassessment of arsenic accumulation in plants from different contamination zones revealed significant differences betweenthe technogenic and background zones (H = 7,05, p = 0,008) in the absolute content of the element.
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