Sample sizes for informative comparison of Populus nigra L. s.l. leaf blade in urban ecosystems
УДК 58.002:581.45
Leaf blade, Populus nigra, ruggedness, sampling, statistical power, urban ecosystemsAbstract
The determination of minimum sample sizes necessary for an informative comparison of Рopulus nigra L. s.l. leaf blade in urban ecosystems, taking into account statistical power, has been carried out. The material in 2012–2017 in territory of Donetsk with woody plants of mature stage of generative period during leaf fall was collected. To assess degree of leaf blade ruggedness two different approaches, previously used by researchers, were used. The minimumsample sizes required for informative comparison using Student’s t-criterion ruggedness ratio as ratio of leaf blade perimeter to circumference circumscribing a circle whose area is equal to area of leaf blade are much lower than comparing theruggedness ratio as ratio of leaf blade perimeter of P. nigra to its square.
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