The results of the primary introduction and particularity of development of the species of genus Paeonia L. (Paeoniaceae Rudolphi) in the Polar-alpine botanical garden
УДК 581.522.4:582.675.1:[ 58:069.29](470.21)
Introduction, genus Paeonia L, Murmansk Region, phenology, seasonal developmentAbstract
In the Polar-alpine botanical garden (67о38' N lat, 33o37' E long.) 83 specimens of 17 wild species of genus Paeonia L. have been tested. Now the collection contains 12 species (24 samples). As a result of the research it wasfound that most of the studied species of genus Paeonia have time to go through the full cycle of seasonal developmentin the Arctic. The rhythm of seasonal development of species of genus Paeonia depends on the weather and ecologicalconditions of plant growth in natural phytocenoses. The studied species of the Paeonia genus possess a high degree ofdecorativeness throughout the growing season. All plants overwinter without shelter, unpretentious; do not require special cultivation techniques.
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