Phenological and morphometric characteristics of introduced samples Padus asiatica Kom. in the Kola Subarctic

УДК 581.522.4:582.734.6(470.21)


  • O. A. Goncharova Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia
  • I. N. Lipponen Branch of the Murmansk Arctic State University in Apatity, Russia



Annual increase, inflorescences, introduction, Padus, phenological development


Padus asiatica introduced to the Kola Peninsula is characterized by an early onset and a short growingseason, the timely completion of the growth and lignification of the shoots, annual flowering and fruiting. The rhythm ofdevelopment of P. asiatica is close to the rhythm of native species bird cherry. In 2018 P. asiatica was characterized bya more significant growth for the year in comparison with samples of local dendroflora. The morphometric parametersof inflorescences are intermediate between P. avium and P. borealis. The plants of P. asiatica, P. avium, P. borealis arecharacterized by a high level of viability and decorativeness, give germinating seeds, are capable of natural and artificialvegetative reproduction, but have damages of various origins.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

Phenological and morphometric characteristics of introduced samples Padus asiatica Kom. in the Kola Subarctic: УДК 581.522.4:582.734.6(470.21) . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 570-574.