Plants of the Red book of Russia in the collection of flora of Siberia Main Botanical Garden RAS

УДК [502.172:58]:069.029(470-25)


  • M. A. Zueva Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of Russian Science Academy, Moscow, Russia
  • A. K. Mamontov Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of Russian Science Academy, Moscow, Russia
  • A. V. Stogova Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of Russian Science Academy, Moscow, Russia



Flora of Siberia, Main botanical garden, rare and protected species


The long-term experience of cultivation and preservation of the gene pool of rare and protected species inthe conditions of the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsina RAS (Moscow) was studied and summarized. Thecollection "Flora of Siberia" includes 21 taxa from the Red Book of Russia, of which 19 are stable.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

Plants of the Red book of Russia in the collection of flora of Siberia Main Botanical Garden RAS : УДК [502.172:58]:069.029(470-25). (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 580-583.