Conservation of rare plant species in vitro collection of Volgograd regional botanical garden
УДК 58:57.082.542
Biological diversity, Volgograd Regional Botanical Garden (VRBG), gene banks, rare plants, in vitroAbstract
The application of isolated plant tissue and organs is getting more actual along with traditional plant ex situconservation methods. Work on creating of in vitro collection in the Volgograd regional botanical garden is conductedsince 2005. The collection in vitro of rare species of Volgograd regional botanical garden includes 50 species and 19families. The following families are the most representative in bank of rare plant species of Volgograd regional botanicalgarden: Fabaceae Lindl., Brassicaceae Burnett., Caryophyllaceae Juss., Liliaceae Juss., Asteraceae Bercht. et J. Presl.,Iridaceae Juss. The development of plants’ reproduction methods is the basis of gene pool conservation.
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