The status of the pigment apparatus of herbaceous perennials from the collection of the Botanical Garden of Surgut state university

УДК 582.099:581.19+582.099:581.5


  • I. N. Turbina Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia
  • M. V. Filimonova Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia



Botanical garden, carotenoids, chlorophylls, photosynthesis pigments, plant introduction


The biochemical studies of the leaves of seven species of herbaceous perennials previously obtained fromthe Central Siberian Botanical Garden, (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) to examine theadaptation mechanisms of plants in culture were carried out. It has been shown that the species specificity of photosyntheticpigments content was observed. Thus the higher content of chlorophyll in plants species of Asteraceae family was found.The ratio of chlorophyll/carotenoids was significantly different in plants of varied developmental phases and species.The maximum value of the chlorophyll/carotenoids ratio was observed in Helenium hoopesiia, which is related to itsbiological peculiarity. The species Achillea filipendulina and Centaurea dealbata had a high index of this ratio during theperiod of formation of the generative organs and flowering. In general, the photosynthetic pigments composition of theintroduced species leaves indicates their relatively high physiological status.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

The status of the pigment apparatus of herbaceous perennials from the collection of the Botanical Garden of Surgut state university: УДК 582.099:581.19+582.099:581.5 . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 627-629.