Virgin and secondary steppe vegetation as the main criterion for agroecological framework projects in the virgin land campaign area

УДК 581.5:911(252.2)


  • S. V Levykin Institute of Steppe of the Urals Branch of RAS, Orenburg, Russia
  • G. V. Kazachkov Institute of Steppe of the Urals Branch of RAS, Orenburg, Russia
  • I. G. Yakovlev Institute of Steppe of the Urals Branch of RAS, Orenburg, Russia



Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya upland, Cis-Ural region, ecological framework, ecological framework core, virgin land campaign area


The significance of extant steppe vegetation as seed source and of vast secondary steppe plots as cores forthe agroecological framework of the virgin land campaign area is revealed. Several options of such ones are distinguishedbased on long-term field studies. The most representative cores of agroecological framework in old-developed north-westand in the Cis-Ural region undergone virgin land campaign both within Orenburgskaya oblast are given as examples.


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Biodiversity conservation of steppe and optimization of land use in steppe zone

How to Cite

Virgin and secondary steppe vegetation as the main criterion for agroecological framework projects in the virgin land campaign area: УДК 581.5:911(252.2) . (2019). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 18(1), 662-665.