Species composition of dry steppe phytocenoses of the South of Tuva and their productivity
УДК 581.55
Phytocenosi, productivity, species composition, steppe, TuvaAbstract
The species composition of phytocenoses and productivity of the dry steppes of the Ubsunur basin weremonitored. The features of the composition and structure of the steppe complex of phytocenoses were revealed, dominantand subdominant species were established at different grazing regimes and grazing load stages. In the General systematiclist of flora areas registered only 92 species of flowering plants belonging to 59 genera, 24 families (Poaceae, Asteraceae,Chenopodiaceae, etc.), including bushes – 2, shrubs – 4, subshrubs – 2, half-shrubs – 9, perennial polycarpic herbs – 56,annual and biennial plants – 19. Biological productivity of communities of dry steppes depending on a mode of use ofpastures is revealed.
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