Biological features and population dynamics of Steveniella satyrioides (Orchidaceae Juss.) in the Sochi Black Sea Region

УДК 582.594.2:581.554(470.62)


  • E. A. Averyanova Sochi Institute (branch) of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



Age structure of populations, biology, morphology, seed productivity, Sochi Black Sea region, Steveniella satyrioides, terrestrial orchids


Steveniella satyrioides (Steven) Schlechter is widely distributed in Sochi Black Sea region. It is found inthe high-trunk beech-hornbeam forests of the lower mountain zone. The period of vegetation lasts up to 7–8 months. Thevariations of the ontogenetic spectra of numerous population have been studied. Morphometric data vary slightly. Thepercentage of fruit setting was about 67 %, the number of seeds in one fruit is 9215.40 ± 75.92 (min 5329, max 12928),one individual can produce 67620 full seeds. Orchis-type seeds, sized 629.6 ± 11.0 × 173.4 ± 2.8 um.


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Systematics of different taxa. Morphology and biology of different species

How to Cite

Biological features and population dynamics of Steveniella satyrioides (Orchidaceae Juss.) in the Sochi Black Sea Region: УДК 582.594.2:581.554(470.62). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(1), 17-22.