To the taxonomy of the family Liliaceae Juss. in Altai Mountain Country
УДК 582.572.226(571.15)
Altai Mountain Country, comparative morphological analysis, Erythronium, Fritillaria, Gagea, herbarium Lilium, Liliaceae, morphological features, Lloydia, Streptopus, TulipaAbstract
The work presents a comparative morphological analysis of the distinctive characteristics of the LiliaceaeJuss. family representatives, growing in the Altai Mountain Country based on the materials of Herbaria ALTB and YALT,as well as digital collections NS (NSK), MW, FRU, E, CAS, B and G. Based on the analysis of literary sources, herbariumspecimens and studies of representatives in the environment the main morphological characteristics of species, genera andfamily as a whole have been identified. For representatives of the genus Streptopus Michaux. with the rhizome type ofunderground organs, flat basal leaves and always the presence of inflorescences are common, the fruit is a berry. For somespecies of the genus Gagea Salib. small bulbs are typical, except for one-two-headed (Lilium L., Fritillaria L., TulipaL., Erythronium L. and Lloydia Salisb. ex Rchb.). The color of the corolla is different: from white and yellow to red andpurple. Yellow color of the petals is most common, white forms are less common. The genus Lilium L. is characterized bythe attachment of anthers to the threads in the middle and the presence of specks and specks on the corolla, while in therepresentatives of the remaining genera the anthers are attached with a base. Indicative spots or a checkerboard patternare also noted in the genus Fritillaria L.
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