Genus Achillea L. in the flora of Kazakhstan

УДК 582.998.2:542(574)


  • A. N. Kupriyanov Kuzbass Botanical Garden, ICH FITS UUH SB RAS
  • Yu. E. Kulemin Kuzbass Botanical Garden, ICH FITS UUH SB RAS



Distribution, Flora of Kazakhstan, nomenclature, taxonomy, Achillea L


Synopsis of the genus Achillea L, there are 14 species on the territory of Kazakhstan. Of these, seven species were listed in the flora of Kazakhstan (A. asiatica Serg., A. biebersteinii Afan., A. filipendulina Lam., A. micranthaWilld., A. millefolium L., A. nobilis L., A. setacea Waldst. et Kit.). For several decades since the release of "Flora of Kazakhstan", three species have been described on this territory (A. kamelinii Kupr., A. karatavica Kam., Achillea × kasakhstanica Kupr. et Alibekov); four species have been found (Achillea inundata Kondr., A. schmakovii Kupr., A. sergievskiana Schaulo et Schmakov, A. stepposa Klokov et Krytzka.).


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Systematics of different taxa. Morphology and biology of different species

How to Cite

Genus Achillea L. in the flora of Kazakhstan: УДК 582.998.2:542(574). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(1), 39-43.