Fruit micromorphology in the Umbelliferae in Siberia and patterns of morphological diversity in the family
УДК 582.893:581.471(1-925.11/.16)
Apiaceae, friut, micromorphology, series in variation, taxonomyAbstract
Fruit micromorphology of all 98 native, adventive, and cultivated species of the Umbelliferae of Siberiawas studied. We described simple hairs (size, shape, fine relief of cell wall, and tufted hairs), multicellular spines andglochidia, cell arrangement, cell form, fine relief (cuticular foldings), epicuticular wax, and stomata. We discuss thediversity of micromorphological characters and their value for species identification and taxonomy. We state numerousexamples of parallel variability of morphological traits in different subdivisions of the family
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