Biological features of Iris setosa in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia
УДК 582.572.7:581.543+581.41(571.14)
Iris setosa, organogenesis, seasonal development, Western SiberiaAbstract
The seasonal rhythm of development of Iris setosa during the growing season of 2016–2018 in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is analyzed. It was determined that in the pre-winter the cone of growthof the renewal shoot forms vegetative organs-leaves, which corresponds to the second stage of organogenesis. Differentiation of the growth cone of the shoot to generative organs begins in early spring in May during a period of intensivegrowth. Within 14–15 days, the growth cone undergoes intrarenal development from stages III to VIII of organogenesis.IX–XII stages of organogenesis correspond to phenodates from flowering to fruiting. The duration of flowering is 10–25days. Plants undergo a full cycle of seasonal development from regrowth to fruiting, have high cold resistance, resistanceto diseases and pests. In the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, the adaptive potential of I. setosa is 23–30 points. Itwas found that according to the adaptation criteria, highly promising plants of I. setosa from the Trans-Baikal population.
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