Rust fungus Puccinia recondita in Zailiysky Alatau (Kazakhstan)
УДК 582.285.2:632.4.01/08
Intermediate host-plant, location, main host-plant, Puccinia recondita, rust fungus, Zailiysky AlatauAbstract
38 samples of Puccinia recondita were collected on the territory of Zailiysky Alatau, 22 samples werefound on intermediate host-plant, where spermagonia and aecia are developed, and 16 samples were found on the mainhost, where uredinia and telia are formed. Puccinia recondita is mostly observed on the leaves and petioles of Atragenesibirica and Aconitum leucostomum in the form of aecia and on the leaves and sheaths of Elymus caninus in the form ofuredinia and telia. In the intermediate host-plant, the number of Puccinia recondita samples is steadily increasing from1198 m to 2240 m a. s. l., on the main host, there are two sample occurrence’s maxima: at an altitude of 1153–1400 m(steppe) and at an altitude of 1700–2288 m a. s. l. (dark coniferous forests and meadows). Most often, Puccinia reconditais found on the territory of the Zhetyzhol ridge, and in the Turgen, Prokhodnoye, and Big Almaty gorges.
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