The soil algae of the Minusinsk depression (Krasnoyarsk region, South Siberia, Russia)
УДК 582.26(571.51)
Krasnoyarsk region, Minusinsk depression, soil algae, South SiberiaAbstract
For the first time, a review of soil-algological studies in the Minusinsk depression (Krasnoyarsk region,South Siberia, Russia), located between the Kuznetsk Alatau, Western and Eastern Sayans, is given. The territorybelongs to the South Siberian mountain region. Due to the peculiarities of natural conditions, the Minusinsk depressionis called Siberian Italy. A list of soil algae is given. It includes 97 taxa of species and intraspecific rank. The list isbased on the literature data and the results of the authors' research in natural and anthropogenic disturbed phytocenoses.In the composition of the found algae, representatives of five departments were noted: Cyanoprokaryota – 34 taxa,Bacillariophyta – 8, Ochrophyta – 19, Chlorophyta – 32 and Streptophyta – 4.
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