Materials to the lichen biota of the Sailugemsky National Park
УДК 582.29(235.222/571.151)502.72
Altai Mts, biodiversity, lichenized fungus, specially protected natural area, substrate ecologyAbstract
Thirty three lichen species from 24 genera and 12 families are listed for the first time for the SailugemskyNational Park. Lichen families Parmeliaceae (12 species), Teloschistaceae (4), Peltigeraceae (3), and Physciaceae (3)comprise a majority of the species. The studied lichens are characterized by various growth forms. Only three squamulosespecies represent the true epigeic lichens. 16 macrolichens (13 fruticose and 3 foliose) are hemiepigeic. The group onplant debris is represented by 13 microlichens (9 crustose and 4 squamulose). Among them, 5 species were found, usuallyinhabit bark of trees. In the studied area, they grow on the limit of their ecological capabilities.
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