Preservation of rare plant species using biotechnological methods in MBG RAS
УДК 575.1/.2.082.542:[502.211:582]
Clonal micropropagation, in vitro gene pool, rare plant speciesAbstract
The creation of rare plant species collections in vitro is one form of natural flora protection and effectivemethod of ex situ gene pool conservation. The results of introducing in vitro more than 80 rare plant species from the RedBook of Russia are summarized. The clonal micropropagation protocols allowing to obtain a sufficient plants number inorder to restore natural populations and preserve rare plant species were developed. The conditions for a long deposit havebeen specified. The optimal explant types for long-term conservation in vitro were determined for plants of different lifeforms: shoot fragments containing one or two metameres for woody and semi-woody plants, renewal buds for herbaceousplants, bulbils or their segments for bulbous plants.
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