Rare plants of the mountains of southern Siberia in the collection Polar Alpine Botanical Garden
УДК 581.9(1-925.15):502.172:[58:069.29](470.2)
Altai, introduction, Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, rare plants, Sayan MountainsAbstract
In the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden (67o38′N and 33o37′E) plants of the mountains of Southern Siberiahave been tested since 1934 (Altai) and 1936 (Sayan Mountains). Plants obtained from field trips to that areas. Theanalysis of the existing diversity of rare and endangered plants from the mountains of Southern Siberia in the open groundcollection of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden is carried out. Currently, the collection of rare plants of the mountains ofSouthern Siberia totals 18 species belonging to 14 genera of 12 families. Four species are included in the Red Book of theRussian Federation: Allium altaicum, Erythronium sibiricum, Fritillaria dagana, Rheum compactum. Three plants in needof protection are included in the Red List of Threatened Taxa of the International Union for Conservation of Nature: –Species in close to threatened status (conservation status NT): Allium altaicum; – Least Concerned Species (conservationstatus LC): Allium ledebourianum, Paeonia anomala. All studied species in the conditions of the Arctic annually bloomand are able to produce viable seeds. The group of plants reaching the fruiting phase is very heterogeneous:– bear fruitannually: Allium altaicum, Sedum roseum, Erythronium sibiricum, Callianthemum sajanense; – bear fruit almost annually:Allium ledebourianum, Stemmacantha carthamoides, Iris bloudowii, Iris sibirica, Paeonia anomala, Primula elatior ssp.pallasii, Primula veris ssp. macrocalyx; – bear fruit irregularly: Iris humilis, Rheum altaicum, Adonis apennina; – rarelybear fruit: Brunnera sibirica, Gentiana dschungarica, Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus, Fritillaria dagana.
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