Herbaceous plants in the collection of Surgut State University botanical garden

УДК 635.9:581.5(571.122)


  • I. N. Turbina Surgut State University




Adaptation, biochemical parameters, botanical garden, herbaceous plants, phenorithmotype


The seasonal growth rate of seven species of herbaceous perennials was analyzed under conditions ofintroduction to determine the adaptation mechanisms, biochemical parameters (Nbi, Chl, Flv) in their leaves for thesummer period. According to the duration of the growing season, one rhythmological group and three phenorhythmotypeswere distinguished: long-growing-spring-summer-green, spring-summer-fall-green and spring-summer-winter-green.The maximal values of nitrogen balance, Chl, Flv in Senecione morensis, Helenium hoopesiia and Paeonia anomala havebeen observed in the budding and mass flowering phase, the minimal values have been found in Primula macrocalyxduring fruiting period. The results obtained were statistically significant when comparing median biochemical parameters(Nbi, Chl) in the species Centaurea dealbata, Senecio nemorensis, Primula macrocalyx, Paeonia anomala, as well as(Flv) in Helenium hoopesiia for the period (June-July), with p < 0.05.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

Herbaceous plants in the collection of Surgut State University botanical garden: УДК 635.9:581.5(571.122). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(1), 298-301. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2020059