Pollen viability and fertility of species from genus Hemerocallis L.
УДК 582.573.76:581.331.2
Fertility, Hemerocallis citrina, Hemerocallis fulva, Hemerocallis middendorfii, pollen, vitalityAbstract
The work presents the results of determining the pollen viability and fertility of three species from genusHemerocallis in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. It was noted that H. middendorfii has the most viable pollen,while its value is quite low and amounts to only 5 %. In other species, the maximum value of this indicator varies from 1.9% (H. citrina) to 4.6 % (H. fulva). It was established that the pollen of studied species has a rather high degree of fertilityand takes values from 50.8–56.2 % of H. fulva to 93.4–95.7 % of H. middendorfii.
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