Iris sibirica L. in the collection of training and science center “Botanical garden” of Saratov State University n. a. N. G. Chernyshevsky

УДК 582.579.2:581.41+635.92(470.43)


  • T. N. Shakina The Educational Centre "Botanical Garden" of Saratov State university n. a. N. G. Shernyshevsky
  • L. V. Kulikova The Educational Centre "Botanical Garden" of Saratov State university n. a. N. G. Shernyshevsky
  • A. V. Martynova The Educational Centre "Botanical Garden" of Saratov State university n. a. N. G. Shernyshevsky
  • L. A. Serova The Educational Centre "Botanical Garden" of Saratov State university n. a. N. G. Shernyshevsky



Cultivars, introduction, introduction assessment, Iris sibirica, phenological phases, Saratov Volga region


The paper presents the results of the study of phenorhythms and introduction assessment of four samplesIris sibirica L. and 9 of it cultivars: 'Burgomistr', 'Roaring Jelly', 'Temper tantrum', 'Contrast in Styles', 'Caeser', 'Tikun','Butter and Sugar', 'Ruffled Velvet', 'Kabluey'. Phenological observations between 2016 and 2019 in the "Botanical Garden"of the SSU of Saratov, calendar dates of the main phases of development were set, the average values of the timing andduration of flowering in the studied samples were determined. Conducted research showed that the studied samples andcultivars are stable in culture, as they are winter resistant, immune to diseases and pests, differ in decorative flowering.Cultivars have been successfully grown for a number of observed years, preserving their varietal features. Evaluation ofthe introduction success showed that the tested samples and varieties of Iris were very promising for introduction into theculture and can be recommended for landscaping in the conditions of Saratov.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

Iris sibirica L. in the collection of training and science center “Botanical garden” of Saratov State University n. a. N. G. Chernyshevsky: УДК 582.579.2:581.41+635.92(470.43). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(1), 310-314.

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