Theoretical and practical aspects of clonal propagation of small fruit cultures
УДК 58.085
Clonal propagation, in vitro, medium nutrient, plantlets, small fruit culturesAbstract
In vitro collection of berry crops in Volgograd Regional Botanical Garden has more than 150 species, cultivars and forms of the following families and genera: Grossulariaceae DC. (Grossularia Mill., Ribes L.) Caprifoliaceae Juss. (Viburnum L., Lonicera L.), Rosaceae Аdans. (Rubus L., Fragaria L.), Actinidiaceae Van-Tieghem (ActinidiaLindl.), Ericaceae (Vaccinium L.). As a result of the research, optimization of cultivation conditions at different stages ofmicropropagation of small fruit cultures was carried out. Optimal conditions of cultivation (type and concentration of thehormonal composition of the nutrient medium) at the stage of micropropagation, rooting and adaptation were selected.
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