Morphometric indicators of inflorescences of some Crataegus L. species introduced to the Kola Peninsula in Siberia and the Far East

УДК 582.711.71:581.461(1-924.16)


  • O. E. Zotova Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute N. A. Avrorina
  • O. A. Goncharova olar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute N. A. Avrorina



Crataegus, inflorescences, flowers, fruit, Kola Peninsula


Parameters of inflorescences of three types of a hawthorn of Siberia and the Far East in conditions of Kolapeninsula are studied. The largest inflorescences, flowers and the greatest quantity of flowers in an inflorescence are notedat C. maximoviczii. In 2017 the inflorescences of the greatest size and biggest quantity of flowers in comparison with 2018and 2019 have been revealed among studied plants. Plants of species C. maximowiczii are characterized by the highestfruit flowering during the three-year period.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

Morphometric indicators of inflorescences of some Crataegus L. species introduced to the Kola Peninsula in Siberia and the Far East: УДК 582.711.71:581.461(1-924.16). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(2), 036-039.