Rare medicinal plants of the flora of Donbass in the collection of Public Institution «Donetsk Botanical Garden»

УДК 502.75(477.62)


  • N. V. Shpilevaya Public Institution «Donetsk Botanical Garden»




Botanical garden, introduction, medicinal plants, rarity species


The paper presents the rarity species of medicinal plants in the flora of Donbass, included in the Red Bookof Donetsk region and rare for this area. The article gives information on their distribution in the region, condition ofpopulations, introduction research in the Public Institution «Donetsk Botanical Garden», their growing prospects as thesource of medicinal raw materials of the herbal origin, chemical composition and pharmaceutical effects.


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The role of botanical gardens in the study and conservation of plant diversity. Plant protection

How to Cite

Rare medicinal plants of the flora of Donbass in the collection of Public Institution «Donetsk Botanical Garden»: УДК 502.75(477.62). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(2), 052-055. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2020074