The first data report about DNA content of some representatives of the genus Trapa L. from Primorye territory
УДК 582.872:575.224.234.2
DNA content, flow cytometry, genome size, TrapaAbstract
The article presents the results of measuring the DNA content by flow cytometry for 6 species of thegenus Trapa L.: Trapa manshurica Fler. (2C = 1.03 pg), T. hankensis Pshenn. (2C = 1.47 pg), T. incisa Siebold & Zucc.(2C = 0.83 pg), T. maximowiczii Korsh. (2C = 0.94 pg), T. pseudoincisa Nakai (2C = 2.18 pg). For T. japonica Fler. twocytotypes 1.12 and 2.07 pg. were identified. Thus, plant flow cytometry is a fast and efficient way to study representativesof the genus Trapa to look for variations in chromosome numbers and ploidy levels.
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