Phylogenetic phytogeography of the family Cymodoceaceae
УДК 582.536.15:575.86
Сladistics analysis, Cymodoceaceae, dispersal history, molecular data, sea grassesAbstract
The oldest representatives of Cymodoceaceae supposedly arose in the tropical waters of East Gondwana inCretaceous and later settled along the World Ocean by various tracks, the most important of which passed along the southern coast of Eurasian continental masses and reached the waters of modern Atlantic. More advanced genera Cymodocea,Syringodium originated in these areas and moved “back” to the waters of the Indian Ocean and the southwestern Pacific.
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Kuo J., McComb A. J. Cymodoceaceae. In: Kubitzki K. (ed.). The families and genera of vascular plants. – Vol. 4. Monocots. Alismatanae and Commelinanae (expect Gramineae). – Berlin: Springer, 1998. – Pp. 133–140.
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Tuya F., Betancort J. F., Haroun R., Espino F., Lomoschitz A., Meco J. Seagrass paleo-biogeography: Fossil records reveal the presence of Halodule cf. in the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic) // Aquatic Botany, 2017. – Vol. 143. – Pp. 1–7.
Molecular methods in the study of plants and chemosystematics
How to Cite
Phylogenetic phytogeography of the family Cymodoceaceae: УДК 582.536.15:575.86. (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(2), 094-097.