Spore morphology of some species of the genus Сystopteris Bernh. from the territory of Altai-Sayan and Trans-Ili Alatau


  • A. A. Batkin Altai State University, South-Siberian botanical garden
  • A. V. Vaganov Altai State University, South-Siberian botanical garden
  • A. A. Kechaykin Altai State University, South-Siberian botanical garden
  • A. I. Shmakov Altai State University, South-Siberian botanical garden




Altai-Sayan region, Cystopteridaceae, Cystopteris, spore morphology, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), Trans-Ili Alatau


The spores of the following species from genus Cystopteris Bernh from the Trans-Ili Alatau and AltaiSayan regions were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM): Cystopteris almaatensis Kotukhov, Cystopterisdickieana R. Sim, Cystopteris gureevi Stepanov, Cystopteris fragilis Bernh. The characters of their perisporium wererevealed. The results obtained from the territories of the Altai-Sayan region and the Trans-Ili Alatau confirm the divisionof the spores by the type of perisporium published previously by the scientists of Tomsk State University. Thus, weobserved differences in the number and size of the elements of the peresporium, as well as a small difference in the size ofthe spores of individual species. Most spores are characterized by the same minimum size values, but differ in maximumsize. The data on the quantity of elements of perisporium also varies, for example, spores from the Altai-Sayan region andthe Trans-ili Alatau are characterized by their smaller number.


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Systematics of different taxa. Morphology and biology of different species

How to Cite

Spore morphology of some species of the genus Сystopteris Bernh. from the territory of Altai-Sayan and Trans-Ili Alatau. (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(2), 102-107. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2020085

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