Features of selection of woody plants for the formation of artificial phytocenoses with the participation of the English oak in the Moscow region

УДК 581.552:630*235.5


  • V. V. Grevtsova Main Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences




Adjustable species, cultivation of Quercus robur, forest plantations of Quercus robur, oak, Quercus robur, related species


The article describes the "recipe" of successful joint growth of oak with spruce and oak with pine, whichis historically established and fixed in folk wisdom, and which can be used to create cultures of phytocenoses. It is shownthat in the conditions of the Moscow region, mixing in cultures of oak with fast-growing species of linden and maple leadsto its oppression and loss from the stand.


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How to Cite

Features of selection of woody plants for the formation of artificial phytocenoses with the participation of the English oak in the Moscow region: УДК 581.552:630*235.5. (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(2), 194-197. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2020101