A system of genus Potentilla L. s. str. (Rosaceae Juss.) and his species composition in the flora of Altai Mountain Country

УДК 582.734.4:581.95/.961(571.151)


  • A. A. Kechaykin South-Siberian botanical garden
  • A. I. Shmakov South-Siberian botanical garden




Altai mountain country, new findings, Potentilla, species composition, system of genus


The system of the genus Potentilla L. s. str. and its species composition is given for the flora of the AltaiMountain Country (AMC). The structure of the genus is represented by 11 sections. Multifidae with 33 species is the mostmultitudinous of them. The sections of Fasciculato-pilosae and Fragarioides include one species for each. The generalcomposition of the genus on the territory of the AMC is represented by 78 species and 2 subspecies. Aditionally, forP. × chemalensis, recently described from the Altai Republic, new locations are given.


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Study of vegetation of Russia. Flora of Altai, South Siberia, Mongolia and adjacent territories. Geobotany and resource science

How to Cite

A system of genus Potentilla L. s. str. (Rosaceae Juss.) and his species composition in the flora of Altai Mountain Country: УДК 582.734.4:581.95/.961(571.151). (2020). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 19(2), 307-310. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2020124