Phytochemical characteristics of some plants of Northern Mongolia
Free sugars, Mongolia, organic acids, pectin substancesAbstract
The article presents the results of determining the content of pectin substances, organic acids and freesugars in 7 species (8 samples) of plants collected in the steppe regions of Northern Mongolia. These are: Armeniaca sibirica(L.) Lam. – siberian apricot, leaves; Artemisia adamsii Bess. – Adams wormwood, aboveground part; Betula fusca Pallasex Georgi - brown birch, leaves; Iris lactea Pallas, milky white iris, leaves; Polygonatum (Aconogonon) divaricatum L. –spreading knotweed (battering ram), leaves and flowers; Thermopsis dahurica Czefr. – Daurian thermopsis, abovegroundpart; Veronica incana L. – gray-haired Veronica, aboveground part. The studied species comprise a significant amountof pectin substances, citric, acetic, lactic and other organic acids, as well as free sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose. Thequantitative content of these substances has been determined.
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