Ecological assessment of some Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce habitats

УДК 581.52(470.342)


  • E. E. Dushina Vyatka State University



Ecological scales, environmental conditions, Kirov region, Polygonatum odoratum, , realized ecological valence


Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce – summer-green short-rhizome polycarpic, geophyte. The aim of thestudy is to assess the ecological-cenotic preferences of P. odoratum in pine forests on the territory of the specially protectednatural area “Medvedsky Bor” in the Nolinsky district of the Kirov region. The ecological preferences of the P. odoratumwere determined by processing our own geobotanical descriptions according to the ecological scales of D. N. Tsyganov(1983), the assessment of the habitat conditions of the P. odoratum cenopopulations was carried out taking into accountthe realized ecological valence (REV) and the coefficient of ecological efficiency ( As a result of the studies, it wasfound that P. odoratum in pine forests is characterized by a wide potential range for most of the factors considered, in particular, the habitation of P. odoratum on sandy soils is due to the wide potential range of endurance of individuals of thisspecies in relation to soil moisture and preference for soils poor in mineral nutrients. The range of the studied habitatsdoes not go beyond the potentially possible boundaries, therefore, the conditions of these territories are relatively consistent with the ecological needs of the species, but most of the soil factors are not optimal for the growth of individuals of theP. odoratum in both cenopopulations. This is evidenced by both the low indicators of the realized ecological valence, andthe low coefficient of ecological efficiency


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How to Cite

Ecological assessment of some Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce habitats: УДК 581.52(470.342) . (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 174-178.