Ecology of onions in Transbaikalia
УДК 582.572.225:581.4/.5/.8(571.54/.55)
Anatomical and morphological characters, ecological plasticity, growing conditions, mesoxerophytes, plant communities, xeromesophytesAbstract
The article presents the results of studying the influence of growing conditions on the morphological andanatomical features of representatives of the genus Allium. The study concluded that xeromesophytic and mesoxerophyticspecies have high ecological plasticity. Within a species, a difference in anatomical and morphological structure can beobserved, depending on the conditions of germination. Growing conditions affect the number of leaves and the shape ofthe leaf cross-section, the degree of development of chlorenchyma, depending on the light conditions, and the location ofthe conductive bundles in the leaves. The height of the peduncle, the length of the leaf blade, the number of flowers in theinflorescence vary depending on the growing conditions.The article presents the results of studying the influence of growing conditions on the morphological andanatomical features of representatives of the genus Allium. The study concluded that xeromesophytic and mesoxerophyticspecies have high ecological plasticity. Within a species, a difference in anatomical and morphological structure can beobserved, depending on the conditions of germination. Growing conditions affect the number of leaves and the shape ofthe leaf cross-section, the degree of development of chlorenchyma, depending on the light conditions, and the location ofthe conductive bundles in the leaves. The height of the peduncle, the length of the leaf blade, the number of flowers in theinflorescence vary depending on the growing conditions.
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