The structure of chlorenchyma and plastid apparatus of the generative organs at chloridoid grasses

УДК 582.4/.9-18


  • G. K. Zvereva Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University



Anatomy, chlorenchyma, chloridoid grasses, cellular cels, glumes of spikelets, Poaceaе


The structure of the chlorenchyma and the spatial forms of assimilative cells are considered in the glumesof spikelets at the xerophytes Cleistogenes squarrosa and Tripogon chinensis and the halophytes Aeluropus intermedius andCrypsis aculeata with C4-photosynthetic metabolism (NAD-ME biochemical group). The structure of the photosynthetictissue of the rachis was also studied in Tripogon chinensis. It is shown that the generative and vegetative organs of chloridoid grasses are similar in the structure of the chlorenchyma, but differ in the degree of its development. In the glumes ofspikelets, it is less developed than in the leaves, and in the rachis, on the contrary, its presence is greater than in the stem.In the assimilatory tissue of generative organs, there is also a wide participation of longitudinally arranged cellular cellsconsisting of small, often numerous sections, which in their size are close to those in the leaves and stems.


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How to Cite

The structure of chlorenchyma and plastid apparatus of the generative organs at chloridoid grasses: УДК 582.4/.9-18. (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 203-206.