Analysis of the phytoplankton taxa composition in Lake Kuludinskoye (Altai Krai) based on retrospective data
УДК 582.26/.27+581.93(571.150)(28)
Lake Kulundinskoye, phytoplankton, species diversity, taxonomic composition.Abstract
The phytoplankton of Lake Kulundinskoye based on retrospective data 2001–2020 is characterized bya high species diversity. 157 species, subspecies and forms of the eight divisions – Cyanophyta (51), Ochrophyta (5),Bacillariophyta (32), Euglenozoa (9), Cryptophyta (6), Miozoa (3), Chlorophyta (50), Charophyta (1) were revealed. Bluegreen and green algae with the families Oscillatoriaceae, Synechococcaceae, Scenedesmaceae, Merismopediaceae andChlamydomonadaceae among them are the most important groups in the lake phytoplankton.
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