The current state of the pine shelter belt in the steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

УДК 581.55(470.620):581.6


  • A. I. Lobanov Scientific Research Institute of the Agrarian Problems of Khakassia
  • V. V Mulyava V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forestry SB RAS is a Separate unit FITS RSC SB RAS
  • N. A. Konovalova Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology



Condition assessment, forest shelter belt, Krasnoyarsk Territory, test plot, growth, Scots pine, maintenance, steppe zone


xModern forest shelter belts do not fully protect arable land and most often have a different life state. In theseconditions, the preservation of forest belts, their performance of protective functions in the system of agroforestry andother complex measures remains an urgent task. The studies were carried out in a field-protective forest belt located in thevicinity of the Oktyabrsky village of the Krasnoturansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where a temporary test plotwas laid using generally accepted methods. The aim of the research was to study the current state of this forest belt by identifying the sanitary state and preservation of the stand and growth rates of Scots pine. Analysis of the current state of thestand showed that the average category of the state of trees is 1.3 points. The stand safety is 44.9%. Pine trees at the age of 28after planting have reached an average height of 11.6 m with an average diameter of 19.1 cm. The forest belt has an optimalopenwork-blown design and is capable of self-renewal naturally. To prevent further degradation of arable leached chernozems in treeless areas of the steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is advisable to create pine forest shelter belts.


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How to Cite

The current state of the pine shelter belt in the steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: УДК 581.55(470.620):581.6. (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 269-273.