Changes in the anatomical and morphological parameters of Pinus sylvestris L., in the conditions of serpentinite quarry
УДК 581.522.5(234.852)
Adaptation, pine needles anatomy, Pinus sylvestris, quarries, serpentinitesAbstract
The paper presents the results of a study of the anatomical and morphological parameters of Pinus sylvestris L. growing in a serpentinite quarry in the Middle Urals. Morphological and anatomical changes have been identified,that are adaptive in nature and contribute to the survival of the species in extreme environmental conditions. P. sylvestrisunder open pit mining conditions shows a significant decrease in morphometric parameters, such as tree height and annual growth of the trunk. Under the influence of unfavorable factors (lack of mineral nutrients, lack of water, high rockiness of the substrate), the length and diameter of the needles decreased. Of the anatomical features, it is important to notea decrease in the number of resin passages with an increase in their diameter, a decrease in the diameter of the central cylinder and the area of the mesoderm.
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